Our Welcome: Welcome to"Greater Faith Temple COGIC", the people's choice. This church, founded upon "FAITH", is where you will find a dedicated group of bonified believers, the church where a sinner will meet a Savior and a stranger will find a friend. We not only extend our doors, but our welcoming hearts to the hurting, dysfunctional, lonely and depressed. It is also at Greater Faith Temple, that you will experience a place of safety, being ushered into the presence of the Lord, a place of refuge and a place of strength manifested by the power of the Holy Ghost! We welcome YOU to the church that is alive and is very much, worth your drive. We are also known as the church of action where JESUS is the main attraction! Greater Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ - a force to be reckoned with!
Our Vision: The vision that God has given Greater Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ "aka Faith Temple" is to be the beacon of good news of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One of the most difficult things in ministry is not building a church building, but cultivating spirit-filled individuals. We are now progned ourselves to be change agents, geared to the upbuilding of every life we encounter. We seek to take the city for God through fasting, prayer and Pentecost, while we are committing our lives, our families and our actions to the will of God. Our focus is to move forward as change agents for better homes, schools, communities, and Christians. In addition, we encourage individuals by promoting holy living in a decadent society.
Our Mission: The mission of Greater Faith Temple COGIC is to teach Christians how to live victoriously, to lead individuals to the place where they operate proficiently in biblical principles of faith, love, divine healing, prosperity and redemption. As we face endeavors without trepidation, strive to be radical in worship and praise and we are destined in promoting and emplifying (demonstrating) holy living, everyday! Our desire is to see lives touched and transformed by the Power of God.
Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ began in the year of 1957 in Surrency, Georgia. During that time, Evangelist Moses and Deacon Clyde (C.W.) Smith from Baxley, Georgia to Surrency, Georgia to do missionary work. Alberta Johnson had arranged with Rev. Crumpsher, Pastor of Surrency Methodist Church, to arrange for services to be held at that church.
As the membership grew, the church group moved into a small vacant building owned by Elbert Tillman. God inspired the leaders to build a church in Surrency but due to the lack of cooperation and other circumstances, the leaders were led back to Baxley. There they purchaed a small block building on the corner of Allen and Faison Streets. This building was rented from
Mrs. Faison for $16.00 a month. The church began in Baxley with five members which included Deacon Smith, his family and six children from Surrency. The church membership continued to grow. At that time, the presiding Bishop John Dale Husband asked that Elder E.T. McGriff of Dublin, Georgia come and pastor under his leadership. About thirty five more souls were added to
the church and souls were constantly being added, the leaders continued in steadfast prayer and commitment to God. By this time, Deacon C.W. Smith was ordained into the ministry and was sent to pastor. Faith Temple became a member of the Southeast Georgia Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop J.D. Husband. The members felt led of God to purchase some land on the Nailsferry Road.
The land was purchased from Billy Head for $1400, but he generously gave $400 to the building fund. Local citizens in the community made many contributions and with much hard work, fasting, praying and faith in God, the Faith Temple Church began construction. In 1970, the church building was dedicated. In 1973, Evangelist Moses and Elder C.W. Smith conducted a 20th Week Revival.
The Lord added 67 members to the church. Faith Temple Church still remained strong under the guidance and leadership of Bishop J.D. Husband, with Evangelist Moses Smith serving as District Missionary and Superintendent C.W. Smith serving as leaders of the Baxley District. In 1978, the church consisted of approximately 203 members. The leaders continued to fast, pray and serve God faithfully.
In February 1987, the Lord called Supt. C.W. Smith and Evangelist Moses Smith home. In 1988, Elder Norris Williams, Sr. officially became the pastor of Faith Temple, with Evangelist Gail Williams serving as co-pastor. After the passing of the Bishop Husband, Faith Temple became a part of Central Georgia Jurisdiction under the leadership of Bishop Chandler D. Owens. The church still continued to prosper
both spiritually and naturally. In 1997, Faith Temple was brought back to the Southeast Georgia Jurisdiction, under the leadership of Bishop Benjamin P. Collins. In spite of many changes, Faith Temple continued to grow and prosper in the fullness of God's annointed power. In January 1999, the church building went under reconstruction. The were a few months were services were held at designated places and churches
in the community and in Jesup, Georgia, as well. We moved back into the church in April 1999. Today, the church still remains strong and souls are continually being added to the church and being blessed by the power of God. There are many activities for everyone to enjoy. Among them are Drill Teams, Youth Rap Sessions, YWCC, Home & Foreign Mission, Praise Dancers, and much, much more. Remember, we are expecting greater
things through Christ that strengthens us, by "FAITH" and because of His great annointing, we are known as Greater Faith Temple Church Of God In Christ for the year 2000 and beyond! We are truly - a force to be reckoned with!
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