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THIS IS WHAT The Pastor in charge, the God-chosen founder of TFOJ has to say: "THE FRIENDS OF JESUS" Is available to those genuine believers who want to become mature Christians. By mature we mean Practical Christians; These are HEARERS and DOERS of the WORD OF GOD for the glory of God. The Friends of Jesus is an independent religious organism devoted to teaching the principles of Christianity of Lord Jesus which in theory is called the Science Of Mind (SOM). The application of these principles to the everyday living of life is the Science Of Living (SOL). (Rom. 12:2 KJV & 2:12 TLB) "I came to give them TRUTH (Jn. 18:37, 38) and PEACE (Jn. 14:27)" - Jesus TFOJ statements 1. "YOU CAN'T GIVE PEOPLE A BETTER ANYTHING UNTIL YOU GIVE THEM A BETTER IMAGE OF THEMSELVES." 2. THE BEST YOU CAN DO FOR A PERSON IS HELP THE PERSON THINK BETTER OF HIMSELF OR HERSELF. 3. THE ONE TO WHOM YOU HAVE GIVEN A BETTER SELF IMAGE IS THE ONE TO WHOM YOU HAVE GIVEN THE SECRETS OF ONENESS WITH GOD FOR PROGRESS AND PEACE FOR ETERNAL LIVING. GREETINGS: Peace in the name of Jesus; The God mind in me rests with the God mind in you. Amen We must realize that: Our creator God, can not be personified but must be realized and personalized as our personality. This is the secret of life in God as God. Ps. 82:6 THE WAY: SCIENCE being intelligent approach towards the stabilization and utilization of idea, and RELIGION being the inherent belief and guiding principle of man in the expression of life; Science in religion, otherwise called RELIGIOUS SCIENCE is the intelligent tool that will assist Christians to bring about infinite good for their experience in the living of life. (Hosea 4:6 KJV). Where religion is not taught in the context of science with evidence to back up and to prove, the teaching is superstitious rituals amounting to idolatry. As more people become enlightened in this Y2K much of the Bible truths shall become acceptable to all alike. Otherwise, how will Jesus be seen worldwide at the same time when He shall come, when this world is no longer flat but now a sphere. THE ANSWER: Divine Spiritual Inter-connectivity DSI with supper 3D video and omnidirectional audio capabilities.This had been man's endowment from the beginning, having been made in the image and likeness of God Jehovah. Accept the scientific evidence or reject the Bible facts of Luke.17:20-24, 30, 34-36) to your doom. But "come", surely He will. INFINITE UNIVERSAL GOOD being the only WILL of the one Creative {ntelligence, God, TFOJ will show you how to be what you want to be, do what you want to do and have what you want to have in a Divine and cosmically harmonious way. Man, you are a mystery to yourself, unravel the mystery and be mystified by your nature no more. CHRISTHOOD: Jesus expressed the Christ nature of His being. This was possible because He had the True knowledge of who and what He is as God and God as Him. Often He spoke of His oneness with God, "I and my Father are one". In ministering, He spoke His words with authority, "Take up thy bed...", "Little girl, get up!", "Lazarus, come forth!"; everyone obeyed His commands. To those who did not understand, these manifestations were miracles. But to Jesus who knew that as He was one with God, He deserved the divine cooperation which He received and expressed knowing that it was God doing all He was seen to do. Jesus assured us that all that He did were natural and that we can do even more than He had done. This is what The Friends Of Jesus TFOJ is here on earth to help you achieve, so long as Psalm 82:6 is incontestable. ALLEGIANCE: In the teachings of The Friends of Jesus, we accept what Lord Jesus taught and He did abide by what He commands us to do. We accept that man is created in the exact image and likeness of our Creator, God. We surrender to the Holy call: "Be Holy", "Be perfect". INFINITY: If we do live in the consciousness of our allegiance to God, how could we be less than the excellent children of God that we really are? If we should be less, God would not be what God is - SPIRIT; or we are not what we are said to be, spirit image of Jehovah (Ps.82:6) THE TRUTH In our scientific approach to the living of life, there is no hypocrite's dogma, formula, superstition or worn-out concepts. Christ's teaching is not a closed system of thought. It is open for growth through enlightenment from the infinite mind, God - Jehovah through the Holy Spirit of Christ Jesus who said that He shall reveal more Truths to us as and when necessary. MEDITATION/PRAYER: To us, meditation is being with God; It is a conditioning of mind into the acceptance of, and reliance on our oneness with our creator. In it we pronounce our words of prayer; Due to the nature of our prayer, a spirit-idea, and our nature, a spirit-idea, and our oneness with God, our prayers do manifest. To us in THE FRIENDS OF JESUS, there is no binding specific place, time, or method for worshipping our Creator, God. This self-existing, self-sustaining, Omnipresent, Omnipotent creative intelligence, needs nothing from us. The Spirit of God is man acting through man as man. A complete realization of this oneness with God, reveals to us individually the infinite potential of the nature of Man as Spirit, the child of God. This makes the worshipping of God a way of life instead of a systemised method of approaching God for request and or thanks-giving. We accept that God is worshipped in Spirit and in our acts of truth. It is an individual's privilege that enables us to contact our Creator in our own personal place, time, and method. Our Church, "THE FRIENDS OF JESUS" TFOJ is only a focal point for growing Souls to collectively and independently realize and utilize our indwelling spiritual nature for the good of all creation. Our Church THE FRIENDS OF JESUS is more of a teaching/healing divine organism than a preaching organization. GOSPEL: The Good News, had been announced and the echo of the announcement lives on forever. We, as well as all church groups, are repeaters of this echo of the WORDS of CHRIST JESUS, the gospel. Y2K is more for doing, than for hearing the word of God. Some of us have been bombarded from all angles with the news of the Kingdom of God as being at hand, to the extent that most lack the instruction on how to practice experiencing The Kingdom of God. The teaching in our Church is to bring man's awareness centered on Bible instructions to prime our subconscious or soul impression of the Christ nature of our being. God/self-consciousness is the prerequisite for dwelling in The Kingdom of God. In our church, we heal, yes! but what we heal is neither the physical nor the spiritual person, we heal man's negative thinking of self or the wrong idea of Self. Our aim is for man to confidently declare "I am free from the bondage of ignorance, I know that I am an individual expression of The Creative intelligence, I was a prodigal child, I have come back home. I am now in my Father's fold and as from now henceforth, I claim all that my Father is; and express life as the Loving child of The Loving Father, Amen". We know that our experience in the daily living of life is the manifestations of the sum total of our accepted ideas of Self. Ideas can be influenced by race consciousness or our micro or macro-environment. Applying the principle of SOM/SOL serves as the guide for our experiencing only those ideas that we consciously and thus subconsciously accept for the ultimate good of all. This makes us Masters in expressing individual destiny. We are divinely gifted to Divinely by the Holy Spirit will the course of our life's experience. We are the only ones who can initiate a change in whatsoever we need changing in our experience, according to the will of God. We know that man can use the power of God, but can not use God. God is not something, someplace, that we can contact, sometimes, to bring some of our little wishful thinking into manifestation. God is more than that. Our Creator is EXISTENCE the ultimate reality back of all that there is. God is Father, Giver or Provider, Protector, Sustainer, our Mind and our Wisdom. He is all, Alpha and Omega. God is the Author and the Person, Spirit, by whom all are. God is EXISTENCE, Say this to yourself at your own time of need or Spiritual Longing for unfoldment: "There is one source of Good; That source is my God Jehovah. I am in unbroken contact with my God and Father. Excellent Action, Excellent Peace, Excellent Love are now taking place in all my endeavours. The Spirit of God flows through me now and always. I enjoy the pleasure of being Good. I Feel Good, I am Good through Christ Jesus. Thank you, God. Amen". A constant use of this meditative treatment and a concrete faith in the unfailingness of God, coupled with steadfast imaging) of our good desire, will certainly open wide the doors to the "Joy of Living" in our life. WHAT YOU WOULD LIKE TO KNOW ABOUT US, THE FRIENDS OF JESUS (TFOJ) Q. When was the Church Friends of Jesus established in Nigeria? Answer: The Church first talked to an audience of about 450 people at Calabar Metropolitan Hotel banquet hall on the 4th of July 1976 at 9. am. Rev. (Dr.) Efiom-ita Efiom addressed the audience. This date has been recorded as the day this Church was established. WHO REALLY ARE "THE FRIENDS OF JESUS"? ANS.:- "And when he came to himself .. ", Luke 15:17-20 "... he said (to himself): How many hired servants of my father have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! I will arise and go to my father ... Such are the Friends Of Jesus.


Mrs. H. B. Ekpenyong says: THE FRIENDS OF JESUS is an institution of higher learning. Mr. Stanley Edet Jnr. says: THE FRIENDS OF JESUS (TFOJ) is an intellectual, socio-religious organisation, based on the maxim of educating and assisting the most eligible brains (male & female) in every field of endeavour to the consciousness of excellence on global achievements, which in turn sustains the foundation to next generations.

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