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Emmanuel United Church

Odessa Pastoral Charge, Box 356, 63 Factory Street • Odessa, ON K0H 2H0 • Canada • Phone: (613)386-3807 • UCCan

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Activities at Emmanuel

There was a big change in December 2002 for our church as our minister Reverand Claudia Kitson decided to take the call to a position in P.E.I. She had become our friend as well as our minister and we will miss her as she returns the place that has always been her home.

We welcomed Rev. Anne MacDermaid as our supply minister the first of January 2003 who will be with us until Claudia's replacement has been found. She brings with her a pleasant smile, friendly attitude and years of experience.

SHARING CENTER A Community Sharing Center was opened in May 2002 at Emmanuel United Church to provide a place for the community to drop off good quality clothes, bedding, and smaller kitchen items which is sold back to the community at very low prices. Through these community efforts we have been able to provide for those in need. The church untook a major renovating project to provide this service; it has been well received by the congregation and the community. The Sharing Center is open Tuesday and Wednesdays from 10 am to 3 pm and Thursdays evenings from 6 to 8:30 pm.

A congregational meeting will be held following Sunday Service February 23, 2003 to review the annual report.

UCW continues to be very active. In 2002 they had a video from the resource centre "The United Church Women--it was an older version but was very interesting. At Easter time lilies were delivered to the Henderson Care Nursing Home. They provided some funding towards the construction of the Sharing Center, donated towards repairs and upgrades to the kitchen, donated to the Cancer Society and to the Mission and Service Fund. The women knitted blankets for the Ryandale Shelter for the homeless in Kingston, as well as supplying other needed items. Glasses were delivered to Lenscrafters to support Third World Countries.

Sunday School attended to the flower beds, planted and added some perennials. We have 22 children and teens registered for classes with most attending regularily. The congretation support Sunday School through envelope donations, crafting supplies, shoebox items, plants or their time.

Emmanuel Stewards attended to a number of renovation projects--repairs to stained glass windows, sharing center, major clean up of the basement, ventilation system installed in the kitchen and purchased new warming oven and more crock pots. Roof repairs were completed fall of 2002. The Stewards support many auction sales, scouting events, memorial lunches, Winter Carnival Turkey Dinner, Fall Roast Beef supper, dinners for Presbytery, Christmas Craft Sale, Summer Bible School, opens the doors to the Ernestown Secondary School annual "Song of Peace" and many more. With the diligent work of many members of the congregation, we somehow are able to keep most accounts in the black. Our faith is restored each year as we work together for a better community life.


Worshipping in the beautiful Church on Factory Street that was built 1912 on the site of the former Wesleyan Methodist Church which had burned, the congregation of Emmanuel united Church continues the tradition of those pioneers who gave so much time and talent to provide a place of worship.

Church Union in 1925 made Emmanuel part of the United Church of Canada. Through many changes, and an amalgamation in 1968 with Wilton United Church, Emmanuel serves Odessa, Wilton, Amherstview and the surrounding areas. Also in 1968 Emmanuel and Trinity United Church, Elginburg, became the "Odessa Pastoral Charge".

Our large hall, with modern kitchen completed in 1975, is the scene of many suppers, wedding, receptions, anniversary celebrations and meetings.

As well it provides a meeting area of the church-sponsored Scout Group. In 1979, the former Sunday School room was divided into two meeting rooms with folding doors between, a nursery and washroom and was called "The Upper Room". The offices were downstairs. In 1996-97 this layout was changed, and the upper room made into offices for the minister and secretary. The nursery remains adjacent to the office. The rest of the Sunday School meet in the downstairs rooms.

During 1998 many improvements were made to our church and hall. Pointing of the church was the largest project that was completed. New hall doors have been installed and a handicapped bathroom completed in the old entrance way. These were the major projects with many smaller ones being worked on as well.

Through the years, with the able leadership of may dedicated ministers, the congregation of Emmanuel has responsibly filled a need for spiritual leadership and caring its community.

Having celebrated our 147th anniversary in 1998, we continue to learn and grow as we discover how best we can serve God. Emmanuel United Church maintains a full board of stewards, session members and trustees who actively take part in the the life and works of the church with zest and enthusiasm. There has been so much to be done that a sub committee has been formed to attend to property management issues. This committee will report directly to the stewards and obtain direction and supervision from them on an ongoing basis.

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Our Services & Events

Sunday Service

11:15 am

Youth Club

Friday Evenings

Praise Club

Wednesday 6:30 pm

Choir Practice

10 am Sunday Morning

Food Bank Sunday

3rd Sunday each Mth

Stewards Meeting

2nd Tuesday Eve Mth

Our Staff

Rev. Anne MacDermaid (613)531-2755

Lynda Rickards (613)386-3807

Secretary •

Iris Baker (613) 386-2810

Linda Murphy (613) 386-5245

Newsletter Editor & Web Page Design •

Mazel Robinson (613)386-3153

President UCW •