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Faith New Testament Church

P.O. Box 976, • Saluda, NC 28773 • United States • (828) 698-2857 • SBC

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We Believe.....

that God created the entire universe & all that is in it according to Genesis. We believe that God spoke through the prophets in the Old Testament to speak God's truth. We do not disregard the Old Testament because our name is "New Testament" yet we believe that the entire Bible is truth & a treasure chest to all who seek it with God's wisdom. We strive to have a church as in the book of Acts -- the first church which was loving & accepting and forgiving and faithful. (as in Acts) that is why we are New Testament. We believe that Jesus Christ is the Saviour & redeemer of this world. That He came to this earth through a miracle conseption and was born of a virgin in the town of Bethlehem. That as He grew up He did not once sin but stayed holy and pure. He was tempted in every way which we could ever be tempted yet did not give in. That He was baptized & preached the word of life & access to the Father through himself to all who would listen. He said "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me" He taught and loved all, he stayed with "sinners" and loved them and did not turn up His nose at them but accepted them when they asked Him to. He lived a perfect life. And because of lies that He had done wrong (which He hadn't) He was killed. He died on a cross, and was buried, He was dead for 3 days & on the third day (Sunday) He rose again!!! He met with His disciples & then went back into Heaven. He sent the Holy Spirit at Penecost & the Holy Spirit has remained with believers since. We believe in the trinity (the Father, Son & Holy Spirit) although we can't explain we accept it with "childlike faith". We believe in Baptism & prayer. We believe in Spiritual gifts & that every believer has a God given gift (S.H.A.P.E.) and that believers are the Body of Christ. We believe that soon and very soon we are going to see the King. We believe that the Rapture is coming so people get ready!!!!

Our Ministries...

Ukrainian Student Ministry: Igor Ivanishin is currently at Luther Rice Seminary in Atlanta,GA. He, his wife Elina are from the Ukraine & plan to go back when he finishes school. Our church supports Igor, Elina & their two daughters, Sophia and Solamya each month. He will be going back to Ukraine to counsel with people there because there are no christian counselors where they plan to go. They are a very sweet couple & we are priviledged to be able to help with their ministry.
Ukraine Ministry: Nadya Remizova is a christian lady in L'Viv Ukraine. She with her husband Boris work constantly for the Kingdom of God. She feeds & clothes many children & women in her area out of her own pocket & she herself is poor. She is a very sweet & wonderful lady. A year ago she was in America to visit her daughter Elina Ivanishin (from above) and we were able to meet this dear sister in Christ. We send suport Nadya & Boris as well as sending gift boxes or shoeboxes to Nadya to distribute to the children in her area. We include toys, candy, clothes, letters & pictures, and much more in the boxes we send to each child. We received only a few days ago some letters & handmade gifts from the children we send gifts to before. We are sending Christmas boxes this month to Ukraine.
Webb Ministry We suport Robert & Audra Webb and they're children, Alyssa & Brennon, every month too. Robert is a Christian counselor here in North Carolina. He is used by God to do a great work & we thank God that he lets us help out a little.
Bostic Indian Ministry Jim and Kathy Bostic along with their children, Tyler & Sarah live in New Mexico and are ministering to the Navajo Indians there. Jim is bivocational, working a job & ministering at their church. We suport them monthly & God is working miracles in their lives.
World Vision Our youth were at a Newsong concert last year & decided to "adopt" a child through World Vision, we saw where God was working & joined Him and now we suport a little girl from Ethiopia named Anadis Zerfe. That is a monthly ministry as well.
We also have our Youth & Children's Ministry which ministers to the youth & kids of our church as well as the community. Every other Friday night we have "Hang Time" which is a time when they can play some games & hang out with each other in a christian atmosphere. We also plan activities monthly for them besides Hang Time. This is a legitimate ministy and we are excited to be in on it!
We suport other ministries such as the Cooperative Program & the Carolina Association monthly and a few other ministries which we give to but not on a monthly basis. Which are just as important to us as the others. Our church is missions directed in alot of ways.

God is good!
All the time!
All the time....
God is good!

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Our Services & Events

Sunday School

10:00AM Sunday

Morning Worship Service

11:AM Sunday

Youth Meeting

6:00PM Sunday

Evening Worship/Discipleship

7:00PM Sunday

Ladies Prayer Meeting

7:00PM Monday

Mid-Week Prayer Service

7:00PM Wednesday

Our Staff

Eric Wyatt

Donna Sommerville

Treasurer •

Cindy Jacobson

Secretary •