Sunday Service Times:
(English) 9:00 A.M. Worship 10:40 A.M. Adult Sunday School 11:00 A.M. Youth and Children' Bible Academy
Bible Studies: (English)
Tuesday 7:00 PM Men's Bible Study; Monthly on 3rd Tuesday: 7:00 P.M. Women's Fellowship
Wednesday: 7:00 P.M. Home Bible Studies (call or email church for location)
Welcome to one of the most unique fellowships of the Church of God!
Our presence in Covina began in 1962 as a merger of the Baldwin Park Church of God with the Glendora Church of God. Our church community now includeds two worshiping communities formed by the cultures of communication.
We are an English-speaking, culturally diverse congregation of mixed backgrounds and a congregation of Deaf and Hard-of-hearing people who worship in American Sign Language.
We look forward to welcoming you as we minister the healing love of Jesus Christ to this hurting world.
Rev. Dave M. Collett is the Lead Teaching/Preaching Pastor (English)
Dr. Francis J. Casale is Senior Pastor/ASL.
For information please
email us:
call the church office at
(626) 967-2728
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