Welcome to the Lewis Memorial CME Church of San Jose, CA.
We hope and pray that you will benefit from the diligent
efforts of those who weekly prepare for the service of ministry.
While we are open to serve, we also welcome comments or other
offerings to improve our spiritual service to the Lord and the
persons called to fellowship with us.
GREAT since '44!!!!
Our primary purpose is to proclaim the good news
of the risen Savior and Lord as given to us in
the cannonical scriptures of the Holy Bible.
We have several dedicated person who use their God given
talent for such ministires as feeding approximately 200
every 3rd Saturday.
Each week we prepare ministries for various groups of persons
couples, women, men, children, hospital, to name a few, all in
the efforts to show this community and indeed, the world, what
a few in Christ can do!
Our prayer is that the Lord continue to direct us and those who
come our way as we march into another month of ministry for Christ.
For further information call (408) 926-3472
Now unto him that is able to keep you from falling, and
present you faultless before the presence of his glory with
exceeding joy, to the only wise God our our Savior, be glory
and majesty, dominion and power, both now and ever. AMen.
When visiting San Jose/Milpitas we recommend that you stay at the
Beverly Heritage Hotel exit Montague off of 880 call (408)943-9080
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