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Richville United Methodist Church

11009 CR 50 Rt 1 Ligonier, IN 46767, • Ligonier, IN • United States • 219 463 7512 • Methodist

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Description of Richville United Methodist Church

Richvile UM Church is a small rural church located about 6 miles west of Ligonier, IN on CR 50. It offers church school classes on Sunday morning and a worship service designed to meet the needs of all ages. Although there is a church nursery room, children and youth are welcome in the worship service. The children participate in a children's message during the service. Youth and children share in the leadership of the worship service on the first Sunday of each month. Richville UM Church is known as a FRIENDLY CHURCH SMALL ENOUGH TO KNOW YOU AND LARGE ENOUGH TO SERVE TRY US.....YOU'LL LIKE US

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Our Services & Events

Worship Service

Sunday 10:00 AM

Church School

Sunday 9:00 AM

Fellowship Breakfast

lst Sunday 8:00AM

Our Staff

Tom Weigand

Maxine Eastman

Secretary •

Eugene Murphy

Lay Leader •

Betty Hire

Chairm Administrative Board •