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Celtic Cross – Ministry and Church Foundation, We are very glad that you visited us.
We thank you for your time and interest in our humble efforts to bear fruit for Christ our God and Lord and His kingdom in heaven.
To take full advantage of our site, we suggest checking out all of its pages, our articles on Christianity, the Celtic Church, and the history and culture of Celtic civilization.
You will have the opportunity to join us in service, participate in various media formats, and even help us. We have many programs at national and international levels.
The Celtic Cross Communion is the home of many Churches gathered into one communion as One Holy Catholic Apostolic Orthodox-Episcopal and Evangelical Church.
Our story of birth and foundation came out of the prayer and vision of Jesus Christ Our Lord in the Gospel of St. John The Evangelist. In Chapter 17. Verse 21, we read “…that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so the world may believe that you have sent me.” (New International Version of the Holy Bible).
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