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Bloomsburg Bible Church

meeting @ Agape, 19 E. Seventh Street • Bloomsburg, PA 17815 • United States • • Pentecostal

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About Us

At Bloomsburg Bible Church, we are committed to love one another, using Jesus Christ as our example and to be a force for God in our community. "You are precious to God and we want you to know that we are committed to you. We endeavor to build healthy relationships that restore and nurture; rescue and redeem; rekindle and reconnect people to Jesus Christ!

Our History

Bloomsburg Community Church began in 2001 and met in a store front on Main Street in Bloomsburg. Rev. Chris Shingleton was the pastor until August of 2004 when Rev. Alfred & Ruth Joy Capozzi became the pastors. In 2003 the church relocated to 381 West Street where it rents a beautiful church building.
In 2012, we have re-grouped and renamed the church to Bloomsburg Bible Church, as it more accurately reflects who we are and what we stand for. May 2014 we relocated and now meet at Agape, 19 E 7th Street in Bloomsburg.

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Our Services & Events

Sunday Service

10:30 a.m.

Our Staff

Alfred Capozzi

Ruth Joy Capozzi