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St. John's Episcopal Church

197 Mountain Road, P.O. Box 905 • Halifax, Virginia 24558 • United States • 434-476-6696 • Episcopal

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St. John's is a traditional, Bible centered, conservative church and has in recent years attracted many new members looking for a return to traditional worship services and a return to family and moral values.



Our Mission

We are called to seek the reign of God, to be a people of hope, healing, commitment and compassion. As witnesses to Christ's resurrection, we are challenged to grow spiritually and witness courageously. With Christ at our Center, we act in his name, reach out to the world, and proclaim the love of Christ.

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Our Services & Events

Holy Eucharist

10 a.m. Sunday

Sunday School (Sept. - May)

11:15 a.m. Sunday

Healing Service

10 a.m. Wednesday

Our Staff

Cleon Ross

Kathy Parker

Parish Administrator •